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Wild Mounting Ginseng

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‘Wild Ginseng Story’

1. Miraculous Medicinal Effects of Natural Wild Ginseng:
‘In-Sam'(Korean Name of Ginseng) was derived from its looking e.i. naked human body-look alike; ‘In’ means ‘human’ and ‘Sam’ means ‘ginseng’ in Chinese letters. In those days, In-Sam usually means wild ginseng(In Korea until 200-300 years ago and in North America, until 40-50 years ago) but since its popularity grew rapidly and as farming techniques
/technologies has been developing, while farm-grown ginsengs(artificially grown) are increasing, naturally grown wild ginseng and medicinal plants have been over harvested by humans and consequently, its population has decreased dramatically and it became to be protected plants as ‘endangered species’ in Asia and world-wide today.

천연 야생산삼의 놀라운 효능:
동양에서 인삼의 어원은 원래 모습이 사람의 나신(裸身)같다고 해서 한자로 ‘사람인()’ 삼을 나타내는 한자()’ 합쳐서인삼(人蔘)’으로 불렀고, 날에(한국에서는 4-5백여년전까지 그리고 미국/캐나다에서는 최근 약40-50여년전까지)는 거의가 천연 야생(자연)삼이었으나, 근세(한국에서는 약 200-300여년전부터 그리고 북미주에서는 최근 20-30여년전부터) 부터는 대중의 산삼수요도 급격하게 늘어나고, 또한 업기술의 발달로 인공적으로 키우는 재배(인)삼의 생산이 늘어난 반면, 천연 야생산삼과 야생약초들이 인간의 무분별한 남획으로 수효가 급격하게
어들어서 아시아는 물론이고 세계적으로 오늘날 멸종위기식물로 보호를 받게되었다.

2. Proven by Old Oriental Medicine Books & Modern Medicine:
As everybody knows, we have been hearing enough about ginseng’s superior medicinal effects, specially well known through many clinical tests in ‘Dong-Yi-Bo-Gam'(Famous Old Herbal Dictionary in Korea) of ‘Huh-Jun'(famous court herbal doctor during King Sunjo & Kwanghe of Yi’s Nynasty of Korea) and ‘Bon-Cho-Gang-Mok'(famous old chinese herbal dictionary). Naturally wild ginseng is called ‘Mysterious Plant’ or ‘Spritual Plant’ and it is called ‘King of Herbs’ in USA today and also it is called ‘Panax(‘All Heal’ in Latin) Quinquefolius(north American ginseng)’ or ‘Panax Ginseng(Korean ginseng) academically today.

※ Compared to modern(conventional) medicine, wild ginseng treatment belongs to ‘Natural Medicine/ Crude Medicine’ and also it is called ‘Alternative Medicine’. It really is miraculous plant treating many human diseases. Also wild ginseng is the best natural medicinal plant and counted as THE BEST of three-best medicinal materials(wild ginseng, bear’s gall bladder and ‘musk’) in oriental medicine.

3. There are natural ingredients called ‘Ginseng Saponin’ contained only inside (wild) ginseng and it means foams in Greek and also it is orgin of ‘soap’ today. Even though ordinary saponin is contained inside most of other plants/vegetables, ginseng saponins are only contained inside ginseng. Saponin is called ‘Ginsenoside’ academically and then it is newly combined word of 6 letters in front of ‘Ginseng’ and 5 letters in rear of ‘Glycoside(delivery object)’. Even today it is academically called ‘Panax Ginseng'(All-heal ginseng) – Korean Ginseng and ‘Panax Quinquefolius'(All-Healing North American Ginseng). In Greek ‘Panax’ means ‘Pan'(all) + ‘Axos'(Heal).


※ Principal Medicinal Effects:
Wild American ginseng was scientifically proven through clinical tests by NIH(National Institute of Health) and many other labs world wide; there are around 50 saponin(s) identified world-wide so far scientifically; each saponin works individually and works all together as well(collective effects), typical medicinal effects of ginseng are;

(1)Anti-inflammatory/Artery Expansion Effect – As symbolistic function, ginseng saponin strengthen(purifies) all blood elements and also resolves cholestrol/fat/residuals and resulting clogged artery expansion to its original size(diameter). Consequently, by being supplied of sufficient amount of blood with more oxygen and nutrients, all internal organs become younger and stronger to kill infiltrated germs and your body to be healthier and younger. Blood consists of (1)white blood cell; attacking infiltrated germs, (2)red blood cells; carry oxygen and nutrients, (3)blood plasma – housing blood elements and carrys them, (4)blood plates; repairing damaged artery/vein walls).


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